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Selma, here we come!!!

        Overwhelming DFA response assures a second bus departing from here.


The SCDC and UOA are partnering on a bus trip to the Selma 60th Anniversary/Jubilee of the Edmund Pettus Bridge Crossing in Selma, AL on Saturday, March 8th. The bus will depart the Senior Citizen Center, 885 Memorial Drive at 6 AM and arrive back at 5:30 PM. The cost is $ 20 for adults.


A second bus has been added due to the overwhelming response from SCPDFA members to attend. This bus departs 6AM from Suncity Amenities Center and returns at 5:30PM.

 If you are interested in attending contact Elbert Solomon via email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 229-942-3316.



Welcome to Democrats for Action.

We are an Interest Group that operates under the guidelines of the Peachtree Community Association and open to all residents at Sun City Peachtree.  At last count, our membership numbered over 200 residents.

Sun City Peachtree Democrats for Action was founded in 2015 by Charles Norman and Vera McIntosh. Working with the Spalding County Democratic Committee and the Georgia Democratic Party, our goal is to get democrats elected locally, statewide and nationally.

We are an inclusive interest group committed to fostering an inclusive diverse environment – regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or background.

We believe, putting our minds and energy together, we can win upcoming local, state and federal elections.

Let’s live up to our ideals as Democrats for Action.


Taynay Matsumoto