Political Action Committee

Chaired by: 


To support the efforts of Sun City Peachtree Democrats for Action and the Spalding County Democratic Committee through actions and education, to increase democratic voter turnout and ensure we have a voice in the electoral process and the Spalding Community.


This November is exciting not only due to the fact that we'll be electing Joe Biden for president, but locally we have FIVE democratic candidates running for office! Spalding County Democrats have never seen our party turn out and out vote the Spalding Republicans in such record numbers during a Primary election prior to June 9th! This is phenomenal!

But we can't stop now. We need your help in getting your friends, family and neighbors to the polls. Every vote must COUNT, especially here in Spalding County! We will start the process in August and run through November. Can we count on you to help make calls, put out signs, monitor voting precincts, raise money, whatever it takes?  We need your help like never before in this election season. Our Democracy is at stake!

Come join us by completing this FORM